The “cloud” is all the rage these days. It seems like every business and organization is moving data from their computer hard drives and servers to the cloud. The question begs: Is the cloud safe? There is certainly some risk in transferring data to the cloud. However, most business owners and managers are willing to accept the slight risk with cloud migration to enjoy this fantastic technology’s array of benefits.
Why the cloud is vulnerable
cloud is susceptible for the same reasons it presents such value to businesses and organizations of nearly every type. The cloud empowers employees and clients to access data, servers, and applications from any location through a web connection. Remote access is vitally essential for efficiency. However, remote access also increases vulnerability to attacks and data breaches.
IT solutions and preventative measures must be implemented in a strategic manner that protects information and other valuable assets. Furthermore, such protection must be provided in a way that does not sabotage the speed of business operations. Once the proper preparations are in place, the cloud’s benefits greatly outnumber the slight risk.
Reduce cloud risk with the 3-2-1 rule
Businesses of all sizes, types, and niches should follow the 3-2-1 rule. This strategy mandates three copies of data be stored and protected at all times. Two such copies are located using unique storage forms. The other digital information must be stored and located away from the organization’s headquarters in case a thief attempts to breach the premises, or a natural disaster occurs. The cloud is quite helpful in this context as it allows the business to develop services in an on-demand fashion.
Business owners, managers and others who need assistance in setting up the cloud will find the support of our IT solutions team invaluable. Let our team handle this portion of the data migration challenge, and business operations will prove that much more secure.
Do not commit to just any cloud provider
No two cloud providers are the same concerning their offers, network security, price and other factors. Obtain some references and read reviews before committing to one particular cloud provider. Recommendations from a wide array of businesses and professionals in a similar niche will prove quite helpful as these parties require similar features and functionality. Find out which local cloud providers are trustworthy, review their offerings and take some time to consider their strengths and weaknesses. Our computer support experts are here to help every step of the way.
Contact our IT solutions team today
Our IT solutions team is here to make the transition to the cloud as seamless as possible. We can also help with all sorts of other tech challenges from network security assessments to implementing VoIP systems, data backup solutions, hardware procurement and beyond. Reach out to us today to schedule an initial consultation.
Call (949) 202-0027 today to reach Trypticom Technologies.